Monday, March 17, 2008

"We are the forefathers ..." - The Capital Campaign

The story was told in church Sunday of a current member of Bethany recalling walking down the aisle during the hymn of invitation 48 years ago. She remembered how beautiful the church looked to her when she turned to face the congregation standing beside Dr. John M. Waters. He was Bethany's pastor for 43 years. Now she reflects on the fact that the church was beautiful because of the work of the forefathers.

The point was made, as we conclude the Capital Campaign,

"We are the forefathers creating the next beautiful Bethany Christian Church"

where Meredith Davies, descendant of Bethany members, may just one day walk down the aisle during a hymn of invitation.

The success of the Capital Campaign will determine the finishing touches on the beauty of the new Bethany. Please, give not only according to your own abilities, but please encourage others to do so also. The Capital Campaign conludes March 30.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

James Appointed Church Relations Coordinator for Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child, a part of the Samaritan's Purse Ministry run by Franklin Graham, appointed Barbara James Church Relations Coordinator for Carteret, Craven, Onslow and Pamlico Counties.

For the past several years she helped to fulfill the organization's goal f bringing joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes and the Good News of God's love. She has worked at the organization's headquarters in Charlotte, and on the local level she headed Bethany's contribution efforts for Operation Christmas Child.

Bethany is proud of Barbara for her work in this ministry, and wishes her continued success. The church family at Bethany is encouraged to support her by volunteering to help her in expanding Operation Christmas Child's ministry in this area.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Capital Campaign Underway

The Capital Campaign to raise $300,000.00 to furnish and finish the new Bethany Christian Church of Arapahoe is in full swing now. The end date for the campaign is March 30. Please see Julia Peterson if you have names of person for whom the church office should send information on how to donate to the re-building of Bethany.

Bethany has been the fixture of the crossroads in Arapahoe for 168 years. this generation of Bethany is charged with the responsibility of establishing the voice of Bethany for the next century.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Congregational Surveys Mailed

The Pastor Search Committee mailed congregational surveys week before last. Each member of the Bethany church family is asked to complete a survey and drop it in the box at the church office or at Camp Caroline at worship service, or mail it to the church at post office box 156, Arapahoe, 28510 by Monday, March 4.

Anyone who did not receive a copy of the survey may pick one up at the church office, at worship service Sunday, or from a member of the Pastor Search Committee,

Jennie Adams, 514-5870
David Bailey, 249-7259
Hannah Cowell, 745-3696
Rebecca Cowell, 249-1206
Floyd Hardison, 249-1790
Mac Harris, 249-9811
Rex Horne, 249-7227
Melissa Watson, 474-4592